Transatlantic Cable Podcast

We kick off the 143rd edition of the Kaspersky Transatlantic Cable podcast looking at a coronavirus driven scam to unemployment in the US.

The US Secret Service has issued an alert that warns states that there are states currently seeing an increase in fraudulent activity on unemployment insurance claims. There is also an interesting look at how the money is laundered from there. Following that story, we hop into the film industry. A new study highlights that there is an increase of illegal downloads of Hollywood hits.

For our third story, we hop over to the UK to look at a snafu with a Google Doc from the NHS. According to a report, a security snafu on the sharing link allowed people to see the future roadmap for the group’s Covid-19 app. Our final story of the week, we head back to the US in particular, Washington, D.C. In this story, the Senate voted to extend the powers of the FBI in terms of looking into citizens’ online activity.

Following the story, we discuss some hot items outside of the security space including the Wind of Change podcast, Pandemic and a mash-up between Star Wars and Top Gun.

Direct download: podcast_143_mixdown.mp3
Category:technology -- posted at: 4:08am EDT